Tulane Sim Center opens
The Tulane School of Medicine held the official grand opening for a 14,000 sqft simulation center.
First course
The first course held at the Tulane Sim Center was an interdisciplinary training for medical students on patient safety.
American Heart Association Training Center
The Tulane AHA Training Center moves under the Tulane Sim Center and BLS and ACLS training for medical students, residents, and faculty begin in simulation.
City Business' 25 Innovators of the Year
The Tulane Sim Center is listed as one of the top 25 innovators in New Orleans by publication, New Orleans City Business.
FLS Testing Center
The Tulane Sim Center becomes a Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) testing center for SAGES, providing the only location for required testing in the central Gulf South region.
Laerdal Center of Educational Excellence
The Tulane Sim Center is recognized as a Laerdal Center of Educational Excellence by Laerdal Medical, one of the leading simulation and life support training manufacturers.
American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute
The Tulane Sim Center achieves accreditation by the American College of Surgeons as one of only 65 surgical simulation centers to receive full accreditation.
TeamSTEPPS National Training Center
The Tulane School of Medicine and the Sim Center join 5 other institutions as the national training centers for AHRQ’s TeamSTEPPS National Implementation grant.
American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute renewed
The Tulane Sim Center receives renewed accreditation from the American College of Surgeons.
FES Testing Center
The Tulane Sim Center adds SAGES’ Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery (FES) testing for surgery residents in the Gulf South region.
ATLS Education Site
The Tulane Sim Center takes over the operations of ACS Committee on Trauma Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) courses and supports the education of the Tulane and LSU Departments of Surgery instructors.
American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute renewed
The Tulane Sim Center receives renewed accreditation from the American College of Surgeons.
Hybrid EMT-B course
The Tulane Sim Center runs the first truly hybrid EMT-Basic course in the state of Louisiana.
10 Years of Simulation
The Tulane Sim Center reaches 10 years of supporting Tulane School of Medicine education with hands on simulation training. Over 46,000 learners trained as of end of 2018, on 101 surgical and medical skills.
ReSuture launched
The Tulane Sim Center former interns and Tulane BME graduates, Benjamin Knapp and Hannah Eherenfeldt launch ReSuture start-up.
Journal of Surgical Education
Tulane Sim Center collaborative research study on teamwork and communication among OR teams is published in Journal of Surgical Education.
American College of Surgeons Accreditation
Tulane Sim Center renews as American College of Surgeons Accredited Education Institute.
Society for Simulation in Healthcare
Tulane Sim Center Director begins 3-year term on Society for Simulation in Healthcare Board of Directors.
Tulane Leadership Institute
Tulane Sim Center Program Manager graduates from Tulane Emerging Leaders Program.
Tulane Leadership Institute
Tulane Sim Center Director certified in first cohort of Tulane Leadership Institute Coaches.
Society for Simulation in Healthcare
Tulane Sim Center Director awarded SSH Presidential Citation during IMSH Meeting.