Tulane Simulation Curriculum Builder Template

This form is designed for use by Tulane School of Medicine faculty and course directors to aid in creating new healthcare simulation courses and sessions. We do accept and run sessions for those external to Tulane; there is almost always a cost. Submitting this form will go directly to our Simulation Director and our education team will set up a meeting with you to help finalize your education plan. You can contact our Director if you have any questions.


Tulane Curriculum Process

Medical education and simulation-based education curriculum planning resources.

  • STEP 1 : Complete this template to ensure simulation is grounded in solid education goals and learning objectives. These goals and objectives should be based on the results of the educational needs analysis that should already be completed.

  • STEP 2 : Our education team will immediately review for completeness and adherence to simulation-based education best practices. Our operations team will get to work on the best modalities, resources, and session details.

  • STEP 3 : We will contact you or set up a meeting to review these details and the plan. If necessary, a practice run will ensure goals are effectively met. We’ll work with you to schedule your simulation session(s) and start training learners.

  • STEP 4 : Simulation session evals are completed by learners immediately after every session (simulation staff will oversee this). Our Director of Simulation Education reviews session evals and a PDSA quality improvement cycle will take place for any potential improvement opportunities.

  • STEP 5: You will be provided an online interface for all your sessions that will provide you, in realtime, learner and facilitator sign-in and post-session evaluation ratings and any comments.

  • STEP 6 : (Optional but encouraged) We’ll work with you on scholarly activities based on your simulation education. The Sim Center has a blanket IRB for any education taking place here with learners who are Tulane medical students, residents, fellows, faculty, or staff.


Who are your primary learners?

Select your primary learner group from the list below. Curriculum builders differ slightly for different learner groups.

Medical Student course sessions

Medical Student SIG

GME Resident or Fellow sessions

Attending / Faculty / Other sessions